Rooftop Farm

Woman picking lettuce from rooftop farm

Situated in the heart of Leslieville, in downtown Toronto’s east side, we’ve built a 4,000 sq. foot farm on our rooftop.

Vegetables at farmer's market

We grow all our crops using ecological farming methods, such as crop rotation, low to no till, cover crops, composting, organic seeds and natural fertilizers, which prioritize soil health. We grow a variety of crops from tomatoes, hot peppers and garlic, to carrots, apples, and hops. We chose our crops based on flavour, increasing ecological biodiversity, particularly to attract native pollinators and crops suited to our unique rooftop environment.

A hand cutting lettuce with scissors
A hand holding a watermelon being grown

What we grow becomes ingredients in our kitchen, in our beer, and we stock the shelves in our retail store with it too. We are constantly looking to improve the sustainability and circularity of our operation. To that end, we have begun to experiment with on-site waste water treatment that will allow us to reuse brewery wastewater as nutrient rich irrigation water for the garden. Off-site, we have collaborated with the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario to run organic vegetable improvement trials on our roof. These national trials are aimed at understanding which organic varieties work best according to the varied growing conditions across Canada.

A woman watering the rooftop garden with a hose

Rooftop Farm Events & Tours